At the first hint of a cold or flu or if you know you're going to get exposed to something...airplane, sick kids etc.

Mix 2 TBS ACV (apple cider vinegar) with a little water or juice and add 1/2-1 tsp baking soda and drink immediately....while still bubbling. Do this 4x/day the first day, 3x/day the second and 2x, then 1x per day until kicked. Don't stop just because you feel better or you can relapse, finish the cycle. Kinda like antibiotics, continue for a few days after symptoms are gone.
I did this myself when I had a cough/deep lung thing starting. I didn't care for the taste unless I used a little maple syrup, but it worked wonderfully!
Oh...and use a TALL glass.... ;)
This worked well for cold sores too.
I've started taking some once/day (sometimes in the middle of the night) just because. I think it's helping keep my core body temperature up.
Pennywise Platter Thursday
Simple Lives Thursday
Home Remedies Carnival
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